Organ Repairs - Good News!!!

Good News… The Organ Repair Is (Finally) Happening!

In 2019 we learned that the internal computer parts of our pipe organ were about 30 years old, and in desperate need of repair. Together our generous community raised the required $50,000 to cover the repairs, only to find out that we would have to wait till 2023 for the updates to be completed. Good news! We “moved up the list” and the necessary repairs to our organ will be made between January and late March/early April! 

What does this mean? 

While the work is being done, we will be without a pipe organ for the first 3 months of the year beginning Sunday, January 9. We will be “giving up the organ for Lent” in hopes that it will be ready in time for our Easter celebration. In the meantime Harold Vetter, Chris Roberts, and our other musicians will use the piano and other instruments to lead our traditional liturgical service. Thank you so much to all who contributed to make these repairs a reality. It will be well worth the wait, and the organ will be tuned up and ready to enjoy soon!


Staffing Changes in the New Year


Better Together | Week 3