A Few Less Fears? An Advent Journey - Week 2

This week on our Advent journey…

Last week, as we heard of people who have near death experiences, we found that people are capable of letting go of some pretty big fears. We asked each other: what fear do you wish to let go of? This week, we take a first step in that direction. We consider the two voices that we hear. One, the voice of our small self. And the other, the voice of God. Which one will you follow?

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Week Two

Thoughts to Consider from the Week 2 Recording

This week we're considering the two inner voices inside all of us. One voice discourages us, and flows from scarcity and negativity. The other voice is supportive of us, and flows from abundance and love. Realize that YOU are not afraid, your SMALL self is. Know that you don't have to listen to that small self. Fill your heart and mind with the promises of Christ, and let that voice of abundance and love ring in your ears. Each day we need to make our choice: which voice will I follow? This is a process we've found we need to do each morning, or our small selves take over.


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A Few Less Fears? An Advent Journey - Week 1