A Few Less Fears? An Advent Journey - Week 1

Introducing the Looking Within Center’s Advent Journey: A Few Less Fears?

Hosts: Julie Stevens (Looking Within Center Director) 

and Charles Ortloff (Spiritual Director and retired pastor)

Christmas is a time of gift giving. We give gifts to others to remind ourselves of God’s gift to us: Jesus. As children, we are excited about Christmas. But as we get older, we may lose much of that excitement for Christmas. We've probably opened “God’s Christmas present” so many times there isn’t much to get excited about. Or, have we?

In the Nativity Story, we see the same gift being offered, again and again. To Mary. To Joseph. To the shepherds. “Don’t be afraid.” This is God’s gift to you, even today. Have we really opened this gift at Christmas? The gift of just a few less fears.

This Advent season, using a weekly recording and some follow-on thoughts to consider, let’s name our fears, at least let’s name even one fear, and consider what Christmas has to do with lessening that fear.

Want to be ahead of the game and receive the recording on Monday morning? Sign up here, otherwise we’ll send this email every Thursday!

Week One

Thoughts to Consider from the Week 1 Recording

Today let’s consider God’s gift to you: fewer fears to carry. As you’re going about your Christmas activities, reflect on opening that gift this Christmas.

What fear would you like to let go of this Advent season? Name it. Write it down on a piece of paper. Share it with God in prayer. Maybe tell a friend. Next week we’ll talk about the process of letting go of our fears. But for today, let’s name just one. Share that fear with God.


A Few Less Fears? An Advent Journey - Week 2


Food For Kidz!