When we walk up to a doorway, almost anything can happen.
Sometimes the door has a “Welcome Mat” and we are met by the warmth of good friends.
Sometimes the door which had been open suddenly slams shut, and we are turned away.
Sometimes the door opens and we are invited into a whole new world filled with exciting possibilities.
Someone famous once said, “All beginnings are delightful; the threshold is the place to pause.” This year for the Three Days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil we will pause in the doorway that leads us through the old, old story of Jesus and his love, and continues into your life and something new. Are you ready to experience what awaits you there in the Threshold? Join us for ONE worship service in THREE parts.
Part One, Maundy Thursday: A Welcome Mat - Thursday, April 17, 7:00pm
Experience the “Welcome Mat” at the doorway as friends gather for a night of conversation, food, and connection. We will gather around tables filled with candles, bread, wine, juice, and friends. We’ll remember when Jesus gathered one last time with his people in a low lit room and reminded them to love one another. At the end of the night we’ll walk through the door and prepare for the next threshold when the worship experience continues on Friday night.
Part Two, Good Friday: A Door Slam - Friday, April 18, 7:00pm
Sometimes life can change in the blink of an eye, the snap of a finger, the ring of a phone, and the slamming of a door. Dreams that once seemed certain come to an end, and we are left wondering what comes next.
This night we encounter a place of endings and vulnerability. Even in the uncertainty and questions, Christ meets us. With the sudden slam of the door, transformation and something new begins. The service will once again pause, until we begin again at the third and final door on Saturday night.
Part Three, Easter Vigil: A New Door Opens - Saturday, April 19, 7:30pm
Have you ever walked up to a new door, and upon walking through it, life was never the same? Maybe it was a new job, or a new school, or a new relationship. You walked up to the door with memories of hurt and failure in tow, but on the other side new life, new hope, new joy, and a new day was in store. The evening begins outside by a fire, we will light candles, and walk through the doors of the building for a night of storytelling. This Easter night we open the door that leads from darkness to light, from mourning to dancing, from death to life. The night will conclude with the first proclamation of Easter, and a giant feast that can’t be beat!