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Retirement Milestone

Retirement is a life change that is not merely a one time life event, but a process of moving into a new life stage. Life is no longer organized with a work schedule or career goals. There may be a new sense of freedom and new opportunities that have only been a dream in the past–and there may also be a sense of loss. As with all the other milestones in life, your vantage point will likely shift or move even as you are still moving through it.

If you are recently retired, soon-to-be retired or enjoying a long retirement, we invite you to join us for our Retirement Milestone on April 19 from 6-8 pm in the Looking Within Center and Garden Lounge. Charles Ortloff and Julie Stevens will be your guides along the way, presenting you with questions to ponder and new insights to navigating this milestone with joy and intention. 

About Adult Milestones at Gloria Dei:

Imagine you are on a hike, making your way up the side of a hill.

You are enjoying the view of a mountain in the distance as it is hit by the early morning sun.

But with every switchback the clouds change, the vantage point shifts, the sun moves, and the mountain somehow looks different. The mountain hasn’t changed or moved, but you have. At Gloria Dei we recognize these moments as milestones and our Adult Milestones are the kind of events you can keep coming back to over time. As you navigate a new season in life, you will have much to share with others, and some things to learn too. Together with a group of people you can navigate the switchbacks, grow on the journey, and appreciate some new views and insights. We hope you will join us on one of our milestone journeys! 

April 17

The Well: Fermenting Women's Faith

April 20

Forever 40 - On the Road at Broadway Pizza