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Reset: Contemplative Self-Care

A monthly mini-retreat with topics and insights that provide a transformative lens to see the Divine in all things and all people. “Reset” your journey as you grow closer to God, others, and yourself.

Date:  Saturday, March 9
Location: Looking Within Center
Registration deadline:  Wednesday, March 6
Time:  Design a Reset that best fits your needs! Register below for one, two, or all three parts of the morning:

Reset-Quiet: 8:15-9am in the Fireside Room
Guided by Cheri Dirksmeyer, this quieter time provides alone and small group time for remembering and reconnecting with the Divine Light and Love that we hold within ourselves.

Reset-Breakfast: 9:00-9:30am in the Looking Within Center
Community time while enjoying a light breakfast.

Reset-Exploration: 9:30-11:00am in the Looking Within Center
Explore a topic to help you on your spiritual journey.

Exploration Presenter:    Dr. Dawn Jacobson, M.D.

This month’s theme: “Contemplative Self-Care”

Our bodies, minds, and souls experience an abundance of information daily. We hear stories and interact with others in ways that are of personal, community, global, and cosmic significance. Have you made time for yourself, your true Self, in this ocean of activity?

Contemplative self-care offers a body-mind-spirit approach for health and well-being. This interactive workshop provides an overview of daily self-care practices and how contemplative self-care expands these practices to include care of your spirit/soul. Through self-care practices, we can optimize physical energy, mental clarity, emotional balance, intuitive decision making, and spiritual awakenings. (Note: Please bring a journal as there are several times during the day when you are invited to reflect and write down your experiences.)

About the Presenter: Dr. Dawn Jacobson is a board-certified physician and innovative leader in Integrative, Lifestyle, and Functional Medicine. Her medical practice is located at Rochester Clinic where she offers in-person consultations and online telemedicine visits. She offers a series of Abundant Living SM programs that provide transformative experiences to support self-reflection and spiritual growth. (Dawn is also a singer/songwriter who believes music is a powerful healing force, and shares her original music through local performances and online streaming platforms.)

There is no cost for this event.

Contact Julie Stevens with questions (

Mark your calendar and watch for sign-up information for the final Reset of the season on Saturday, April 13.

Check out our other offerings on the Looking Within webpage at: 

March 6

Midday Lenten Worship

March 13

Midday Lenten Worship