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Maundy Thursday

APRIL 14, 2022 | 7:00pm

Part one of our three day experience begins as our community of friends gathers to share in a night of abundance and love together with Christ. We will celebrate with the bread and wine of communion, and once again hear Christ’s call to love one another. As the story of the evening shifts, the worship experience will pause until Friday night.

What has happened in your life since April 21, 2019?

Perhaps a baby was born, or a loved one died, or a move happened, a new job began, a relationship ended, you had the vacation of your dreams, you retired, you started school, a pandemic began (and went on and on and on), you failed a class, you learned how to Zoom, you watched the world change…

You are thankful for the journey.

You lament a loss.

It’s complicated… but somehow both are true.

April 21, 2019 was the last time we gathered in person as a faith community on Easter Sunday. Since then, the life of every person on the planet has dramatically changed. Since then the life of our faith community has dramatically changed. Some things we celebrate, some things we mourn.

As we prepare to celebrate Easter for the first time in nearly three years, let’s embark on a three day journey of love and lament. We will bring our hearts and our losses to the Three Days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. One worship service in three parts

April 14

Maundy Thursday

April 15

Good Friday