Date: Sunday, March 23
Time: 3:00 pm
Place: The Looking Within Center at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Rochester, MN
Make plans to attend a fun-filled afternoon with the Brad Boice Trio as they sing traditional Gospel tunes as well as familiar modern spiritual melodies. Brad Boice, Gene Peters, and Randy Stuhldreher will perform a Gospel hour of music and joyful banter. From the traditional “How Great Thou Art” to Kris Kristofferson’s “Why Me Lord”, there will be something for everyone.
(No registration required, and there is no charge for the concert. But if you so desire, we invite you to bring a donation of underwear for Gloria Dei’s “Threads” free clothing boutique (all ages needed; must be new and still in the package)
Questions? Contact Julie Stevens, The Looking Within Center Director, (