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For Your Lenten Journey: The Looking Within Center’s Rerun of A 40 Day Journey of Inner Life Conversation Starters

Whether this is your second time through the 40 days, or your first taste of this journey that 102 people have been enjoying since late January,  this "second run" of the 40 day journey of emailed recordings and accompanying CliffsNotes can be a wonderful Lenten practice. Using inner life conversation starters from the writings of Spiritual Director and retired pastor Charles Ortloff, this collection of 40 short, daily readings from a yet unpublished book Charles is writing offers a variety of insights and practices that are helpful in entering more deeply into your inner life -- insights and practices that can also help you find soft landings after the bumpy rides of daily life.

For those who have been on this journey since January, this "second run" of the 40 days provides an opportunity to gain additional insights into the inner journey, and a chance to invite a friend or family member to join you on the journey this second time around.

For those on this journey for the first time, you'll find the daily emailed recordings (average length of 4-7 minutes) full of help for better understanding your inner life.

And for both groups, the 40 days of Lent will provide a meaningful backdrop for your own personal journey and inner life growth. You’ll receive a daily email with CliffsNotes and an audio recording created by Charles Ortloff and Julie Stevens, LWC Director (and professionally recorded and edited by Randy Stuhldreher).

Dates:  March 5 through April 13
Registration deadline:  Friday, March 3

There is no cost for this experience.

Contact Julie Stevens with questions ( 

Check out our other offerings on the Looking Within Center webpage at:

March 1

Looking Within Center Lenten Book Study

March 6

Theology Pub