Masking Update

Dear People of Gloria Dei,

For the past two years we have been adapting with the ebb and flow of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our goal has always been to love our neighbor and do everything we can to keep one another and the broader community safe. Until this week, Olmsted County has been at “high risk” for COVID activity - but thankfully that is changing. The number of infections and hospitalizations have rapidly declined in Olmsted County (matching much of the rest of the country), and we are now moving into the “low risk” category for COVID activity. 

Using the CDC guidelines (and following the lead of the Rochester School District), people can feel free to use masks at their discretion as we worship and gather in the weeks to come. We are cautiously optimistic that COVID rates will remain low, but we will pay close attention to whatever changes might come our way. If the past few years have taught us anything, we know that things can change quickly. So we will continue to monitor the numbers, the CDC, community partners, and best practices for congregations, adapting as necessary moving forward.

We also know that some among us may be immunocompromised. Some of the youngest among us are not eligible for the vaccine yet. Please keep them in mind as many may choose to mask for their own health and the health of others.

Thank you for your ongoing flexibility, support, nimbleness and grace as we continue to navigate this uncharted territory. Our goal to love our neighbors will continue, but now with the opportunity to see a few more smiles as we do so.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Dave Lisa Epp  - Council President


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