COVID-19 Updates Regarding Gloria Dei Programming - 1.13.22

Dear People of Gloria Dei,

We are living in extraordinary times. For almost two years we have had to change, pivot, and adjust to constantly shifting protocols. At Gloria Dei we have done this with nimbleness, grace, and an abiding love for one another. We now find ourselves at a point where we will need to adjust once again for the sake of our neighbors and each other. 

On January 12, Rochester Public Schools announced a temporary modification of their schedule with a two week shift to online learning. Over the years we have followed suit with announcements from the school district as fellow partners in the community. Together we are facing a dramatic surge of the Omicron variant. Out of an abundance of caution for our congregation and the community, as well as keeping in mind the capacity of our medical facilities, your council and staff leadership have also discerned a need to temporarily modify our schedule.

From Sunday, January 16 through Sunday January 30 

  • The Gloria Dei building will be closed to non-staff members during the week.

  • We encourage all Bible Studies, Book Studies, and Small Groups to either meet virtually or to take a break during this time. If your group needs assistance setting up a Zoom meeting, please contact Krista Dudgeon (

SUNDAY WORSHIP - January 16, 23, and 30

  • Sunday worship will continue at 8:30am and 10:30am, with both services modified to reduce points of possible transmission. 

  • There will be no Communion, fewer songs, and we encourage greater distance between worshipers. 

  • We also encourage higher quality masks (such as KN95). We will have some higher quality masks available for those who need them.

  • Online worship will continue, premiering at 9:30am on YouTube, available on demand afterward.

SUNDAY SCHOOL - January 16, 23, and 30

  • There will be no in-person Sunday School. 

  • Sunday School will resume February 6. 

SUNDAY HOSPITALITY  - January 16, 23, and 30

  • There will be no coffee hour on these Sundays.

  • Between-service adult education will also be postponed.

WATER’S EDGE & CONFIRMATION - January 19 and 26

  • As the overwhelming majority of Water’s Edge attenders are confirmation students and families, Water’s Edge Worship will be on hold until February 2.

  • Confirmation Instruction will move online. Families with students will hear more from the Confirmation leaders soon.


  • The Pre-Annual Meeting Question session will take place in person on January 23 at 9:30am in the sanctuary.

  • The Annual Meeting will take place online and in person on January 30 at 9:30am.

While we understand that change is constant, we anticipate and expect to return to our regular schedule by January 31. In the days and weeks to come we will share more information through our website, email, and social media. We live in uncertain times, and there seem to be surprises around every bend. Yet, we will continue to lead with the love of God and of neighbor. I am convinced that with the Spirit’s guidance and Gloria Dei’s trademark creativity, resilience, and joy we can face whatever lies before us.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Dave Allison Walton | Council President


John Philip Newell - LIVE from Edinburgh THIS SUNDAY!


Staffing Changes in the New Year