Ash Wednesday and Youth Auction Info

Ash Wednesday

Midday Offering

11:30AM, Looking Within Center

This midday Ash Wednesday worship will include the Imposition of Ashes, prayer, music, and fellowship. We'll also feature short, repetitive Taize songs. After the service, we will enjoy a meal together!

Lunch is a freewill offering and will consist of Olive Garden soup and salad.

Evening Water’s Edge

6:30PM, Sanctuary

Ash Wednesday will begin our Lent theme in Water’s Edge, “Making Sense Of It All”. We’ll be engaging a different sense each week in worship: taste, smell, sight, sound, and touch. We’ll learn how to worship with each sense engaged, so our whole body can participate. This is going to be a full body experience you won’t want to miss. The Ash Wednesday service will feature the Imposition of Ashes as well.


We are so excited to kick off our annual auction tomorrow! The items are all set up and ready in the Fireside Room at Gloria Dei.

Dinner will happen downstairs in the Garden Lounge and the menu this week is a pasta bar!


To save time tomorrow evening, we have created a form that you can fill out that will send you an automatically generated bidding number. You can register as soon as you’d like! Click the button below to get started. Once you fill out the form, you will receive an email with an attachment that contains your bidding number.

You can also register for your bidding number in-person tomorrow night, but pre-registering is highly recommended and really easy!


Meet Our New Children's Program Coordinator!


Lent at Gloria Dei