A New Path for the Summer Youth Trip


There have been some big changes to our summer plans!

After careful consideration, the ELCA Youth Gathering was cancelled due to Covid concerns.

However, the good news is, we are still planning a trip for this summer! We are so excited to announce that we will be traveling to CranHill - a Christian Summer Camp and Retreat Center in Michigan! We will also be traveling North from CranHill to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to visit Mackinac Island in Lake Huron.

We will be bringing our own programming focusing on leadership skills, faith building, and fostering our relationships, all while getting to participate in a wide variety of activities, adventures, and fun experiences.

PLUS! We are re-opening registration for anyone who would like to join us! We will have registration open through February 28th. Register with some friends - GRADES 8-12!

Dates: Sunday, July 24-Saturday, July 30, 2022.

Cost: $400 ($150 deposit due when registering)

Questions? Contact Demery Maughan (demerym@gloria-dei.com)


Masking as We Gather


Welcome Back to the Building!