A Benchmark of Success

Dear People of Gloria Dei,

On June 27, 2021 we re-entered the building for in-person worship after about a year and a half hiatus due to the pandemic. Over the course of the shutdown we worshiped as one community on our couches and in our easy chairs. We were connected chiefly through our computers and tv screens. Through it all we were constantly reminded that we are GloriaDeiTogether.

Upon our return to in person worship, part of what it meant to be GloriaDeiTogether was for all three of our worship services (Traditional, Epic, and Water’s Edge) to share the Sanctuary. To accommodate this we began a yearlong experiment which involved removing the pews, putting them in storage, and replacing them with sanctuary chairs. At that time your church council and congregational leaders determined that this would allow:

  • For more flexibility in the largest space in our building.

  • For the Traditional Service and EpicOneEight to share the same worship space.

  • For EpicOneEight to be able to grow (as it had long outgrown its previous space).

  • For the sharing of pastors, musicians, and volunteers between worship services on the same Sunday.

  • For the people of Gloria Dei to “bump into each other,” a long expressed desire of the congregation.

  • For us to learn by trying, discovering what is possible, and where God might be leading us.

In the past year we have realized all of the above, and more. We have been able to celebrate Christmas and Easter in one room, and we even had the flexibility to accommodate VBS in the same space. We have had the ability to adjust the room layout to foster unique worship experiences and we’ve also explored new lighting options for our evening worship opportunities. In short, the Church Council and congregational leadership promised to review the experiment after a year. Based on feedback, conversations, and discernment they have determined it to be a success!

As of this moment, our pews remain in storage, and we have explored options of what to do with them. We have checked with wood working organizations, and various re-sell options, and there is very little interest or market for pews (or the wood). Like Gloria Dei, many congregations have moved away from pews, and new churches are simply not installing them. So the church council has determined the following as our next steps:

  • Order a Pew: We will cut to your requested size (from 3-12 feet), and you can have your own pew for a suggested donation of $300. They can be used for household benches and seating. All proceeds will be designated for Sanctuary improvements. Look for details and ordering information soon. This opportunity will be available until October 1.

  • Repurpose the Wood: We will hold on to several pews, and repurpose the wood for special projects around the building in the future.

  • Donate the Pews: Whatever pews we have left after October 1 we will either donate if there is a faith community who desires them, or we have found a wood recycler who will take whatever we have left.

In short, this plan will allow us to continue enjoying the pews in our homes, in repurposed art and projects around our building, and through the funding of ongoing improvements to our Sanctuary. Over the past year it has indeed been a joy to gather in-person, share one room for worship, and continue to discover what it means to be GloriaDeiTogether. With increased flexibility in the Sanctuary –the largest room in our building– we will be able to continue exploring ways we can use it to bless one another and the Rochester community for years to come.

In Christ,

Pastor Dave Lisa Epp, Council President


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